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Tel: 011-26059182
Welcome To The Official Website Of Pronto Tel PVT LTD.

PRONTO TEL PVT. LTD. is a total solution provider company in IT ,Audio video, Telecommunication,LED Display Board solutions and provide Services to Govt., PSU, Corporate, Institutions and small & medium enterprises with an aim of delivering complete customer satisfaction.

PRONTO TEL PVT. LTD. was started with basic idea and philosophy to build an organization which provides customized support services with advancement of technology and finest quality products to cater client requirements in a responsive and reliable approach for a long term relation.

Every client is important to us and we do our best to measure up to his expectations. PRONTO TELendeavors to provide quality services and committed to customer satisfaction, and we assume the responsibility of staying on schedule and within the budget up to the optimum possible level at all times. Our indigenous expertise in IT areas enables us to offer cutting edge technology, tailor-designed to suit the customer's needs. As a result, the client benefits from our quality, productivity, cost-milestones, skills, credibility and long-term business relation advantages in the same go.

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